-Though the owner can choose not to wear the ring, it cannot be given, sold, traded or bartered away. It can only change owners by being stolen, or taken from a dead finger.
-When worn, the ring conveys an Advantage roll on any action that the Dungeonmaster deems evil, underhanded, cheating, sinful or self-serving to the determent of others.
This is a great 'screw-you' treasure to give to good and lawful aligned characters, especially as they slowly begin realize that they are now much, much better at doing such evil and chaotic things. This item works best in a campaign were alignment is important.
I can't use this item in my campaign because I literally forgot to add alignments at Session 0 and have now been playing long enough that introducing alignments would be awkward. Instead I use the war of Order vs Chaos" Moorcock scenario, which also helps cover the lack of deities in the world.All this brings me to my overall point is that I still want to use this blog, but have been spending most of my time updating my Onenote campaign database. If I can I'll link it here, but it is literally just looking my notes and world in progress.
There have been some developments. The program got some swag for Xmas including Xanathars and Volos and am enjoying the reads. I think my next project will be to create a MonsterSlayer Oath for Paladins. I like the idea of a St.George dragonslayer type, and I think it will suite one of my players. Its just a matter of converting the Ranger... thingy.
There are also other seeds on the vine that Ill cover if they bear fruit.