Marvel FASERIP: Elsa Bloodstone - Agent of H.A.T.E


Fighting        IN           40          
Agility           EX           20          
Strength        IN           40          
Endurance    AM         50          
Reason          TY           6             
Intuition       TY           6             
Psyche           TY           6             
Health:    150                        
Karma:   18          

Real Name: Elsa Bloodstone      
Occupation:  Monster Slayer, Mercenary
Legal Status: No criminal record
Identity: Public                                 
Place of Birth: Bloodstone Island
Marital Status: Single                    
Known Relatives: Ulysses (father,
deceased), Cullen (brother)        
Base of Operations: Bloodstone Manor,
H.A.T.E. Aeromarine, north Atlantic,
Shockwave Rider, State 51,
Past Group Affiliations: H.A.T.E., Nextwave,
Legion of Monsters        
Present Group Affiliations: Nextwave,

Longevity: Whenever Elsa wears her Bloodstone choker she ceases to age. When not wearing the stone she ages at approximately a third of the rate of a normal human. She uses the stone to slow her aging process down even further, but has no desire to become truly immortal like her father. In practical terms, this mean she biologically ages about one year per decade.

Durability: The Bloodstone gem worn by her father left traces of itself even in his DNA, which was passed down to his children. Elsa processes increased physical strength, durability, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and senses, all boosted to superhuman levels.

Reneration: Elsa regains 5 Hit Points per hour. If wearing her Bloodstone choker, she can even regenerate limbs or recover from seemingly mortal wounds (at the rate of 2 Hit Points per day).

Bloodstone: Elsa owns a small fragment of the Hellfire Helix gemstone that was once embedded in her father’s chest. However, unlike her father whose durability and immortality derived solely from the gem, Elsa’s durability and longevity appear to be natural and not dependent on the gem. However, when wearing the fragment (which she has put in a choker that she wears around her neck) her healing powers are increased and she temporarily ceases to age.

All forms of Combat, including Marksmanship, Military and Business/Finance. Also extremely knowable on monster lore and pertinent magical knowledge. She is fluent in many languages and can read several languages considered dead, lost and/or occult.

Elsa is one of two known children of the he formally immortal Ulysses Bloodstone, a prehistoric warrior who had discovered an alien entity called the Hellfire Helix trapped inside a meteorite. The Hellfire Helix summoned an alien being known as Ulluxy’l Kwan Tae Syn to help it find a host but Ulysses battled Syn, and during the fight the Hellfire Helix was smashed. A piece of it, known to history as the Bloodstone Gem, became embedded in Ulysses’s chest granting him superhuman strength, durability and immortality. Over the millennia, he used his powers to become the world’s most renowned monster hunter and mercenary the world had ever seen.

It is not clear when Elsa or her brother were born, but it soon became apparent that she had inherited at least some of her father’s strength, agility and toughness without requiring that she wear the Bloodstone. Her father began her training literally in the cradle, where she learned how to strangle imps and slay small monsters with a broken plastic spoon. As she grew older, her father’s training intensified and crossed the line many times into abuse, though Elsa’s memories of this time are thought to be spotty with age and fragmented by possible meddling by H.A.T.E.

After her father’s death, she retrieved a fragment of the now destroyed Bloodstone Gem and placed it on a choker she sometimes wears around her neck. Based out of Bloodstone manor, hidden somewhere in England, she took over her father’s business, working as a mercenary specializing in supernatural exterminations and monster attacks.

Elsa was the first the first one requited by Monica Rambeau and Director Dick Anger into Nextwave.

Elsa Bloodstone was created by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning.  Artwork by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Dave McCaig with Paul Mounts


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