What's Inside the Dwarf Vault?

Quick chart I made for the Dragon School Adventure. Roll d8 for found Treasure ... 

8     A jaunty crown studded with inferior quality, but colourful gemstones  500gp

7     A statue of a stern dwarven god. Before every d20 roll, you can roll a d6. if you roll a 6 you get an  Advantage. if you roll a 1, you get a Disadvantage. 400gp

6     A black velvet painting of a Fellen Presslever, the Dwarf elvis. worth 400gp

5    367 gp in mixed coins, small gems and jewelry.

4     A potion of Fire Breath: Allows a 2d6 burst. if drunk and used by a red dragon, does 4d6 damage 2x range. 100gp

3     Jar of Healing Potion (enough for two 2d6 heals, or one full heal) 50gp

2     A child's dirty sock filled with pennies. Worth 152 coppers

1    A large iron safe. massively heavy and almost impossible to carry (reduces movement by half. disadvantage on all rolls while holding.) Inside are neat piles of small slips of green paper. Worthless. AC 18 to Hit. HP 100 Resistant to all physical and blunt magical damage attacks.

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