State of Play

I’m gaming now more than I ever have. I have followed a FB group of local players for a while now and back in September I took a chance and answered a DM who was for players. So in addition to the bi-weekly session I DM with the kids, I’m now also playing in a weekly game, this time as a player,  which has made for a pleasant change.

Both games start up again this week after a holiday break. Tonight I’m hoping to get the group back on track after a very extended side-quest that has been going on since May! (not including the summer break) and has involved a mushroom maze, a flooded shire, new characters, time travel and nuclear weapons. Tonight I hope to wrap it up and get the characters back together and on track, where they will discover that they’ve actually jumped forward ten years, and the city is now controlled by an alien Mindflayer and his Psychophantic Cult bent on summoning an Illithid Dreadnaught during the upcoming Conjunction of the 13 Moons. Infiltrating and surviving the Lunar Observatory / Summoning Tower will hopefully make up the rest of the term. 

But first they have to survive this;

The other group is tomorrow night. I play Coaltooth a Dwarven Arcane Thief (I’m never going to use the term ‘Rogue’. I’m just not), who has become obsessed with the idea of stealing the massive ruby that powers the magical stasis field containing the undead, lovecraftian horror that has already half destroyed the city before being stopped by our brave party. Just don’t tell anyone that we’re also the group that let it out.  
From the 2nd ed Talisman Board Game.
Ironically, the illustration is for the 'Rogue'

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