Rot Grub Wand

Needed a gruesome weapon for my Pzychosurgeon to weld.

In appearance the want looks like a rotting skull still attached to part of the spinal cord. Careful handling is required as the decaying skull is home to rot grubs feasting on the rotting flesh.

To use the weapon, the welder must grab the wand by the spinal cord and point the rotting face towards their target. Upon activation, the skull spits a rot grub towards the target (Magic To-Hit roll).

If the attack is successful, the grub will do d4 damage. A Dex Saving throw is then required (DC being the Attacker's ToHit roll) to catch the grub before it burrows into the skin of its victim. If the saving throw fails, the grub will begin to feed, painfully devouring its victim from the inside out, doing d4 (necro) damage per round. Only a Cure Disease or similar spell will kill the grub. Healing spells and potions will restore lost hit points, damage, but the grub will continue to feed. While the grub is feeding, the victim must make a (free) CON Saving throw (DC=10+ # of rounds grub has been inside the body) before any action or else make the roll at a Disadvantage due to the almost unbearable agony.

Cutting, burning or using acid to kill the grub will require a successful Medicine Roll (DC =10+ # of rounds grub has been inside the body) roll and will do an additional D4+ #of rounds grub has been inside the body) damage (necro).

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