The Shannara Chronicles

They look as bored by this as I felt. 
I normally don't like to do this, I'm normally in favour of people enjoying what they enjoy, but I think its my duty to point out just how bad this series is.

I went into this expecting it to be kinda bad, but hoping it was of a kind of bad I could ignore (Into the Badlands), or perhaps even be a little charmed by (The 100). Instead all I got was plots that varied between non-nonsensical and boring, dull stereotypes, unlikable characters and no sense of the world beyond its 90210 meets Lord of the Rings aesthetic. When you can't get any traction out of a magic meets post-apocalyptic setting, you're just not trying.

Then again, I've always thought the books were derivative trash that quickly shifted into overstuffed, self-important melodrama (neither type was uncommon in fantasy books of their times: post-Tolkien and then 80s epic fantasy respectively) so perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised.

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