Quick and Dirty Radiation Rules for Labyrinth Lord

Needed a way to rule on Radiation exposure without bogging down the game or dealing with a lot of rules. I'm going for a cinematic approach here, with plenty of chances for fun, funky and gross mutations.

Radiation Rules
-All characters starts off with a 5% Chance of Mutation.
-Radiation saves are the same as if made vs Death. Save for half damage and half Chance of Mutation % (round up).
-Rad Level equals how much d6 damage the character will take upon full exposure (failed Saving Throw), and how much their chance of Mutation goes up as well. So a Rad Level 5 means that the character will take 5D6 damage and adds 5% to their chance of Mutation.
-For monsters who emit radiation, their Rad Level equals half their HD (round up).
-Spell failure around radioactive sources increases Chance of Mutation by level of the spell.
-Roll for Mutation once per day, or after any exposure/encounter.
-Once a character has Mutated, their chance of Mutation resets back to 5%

Orange Goo
What appears to be a large mass of thick, glowing orange fluid, usually leaking from a pipe or barrel. Large leaks have been know to 'glob-off' parts of itself that will roam the nearby area looking for fuel to keep its internal energy going. It is not clear if the goo is 'alive' or not, or if it seeks out organic compounds through as yet unknown chemical process.
No. Enc: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 42' (12')
Armour Class: 5
Hit Dice/Hp: 6 / 18-24
Attacks: 1
Damage: Radiation Heat/Dissolve 6D6
Morale: 12
Horde Class: None
XP: 1,000
-If the Goo looses more than 2/3 of its it Hp, the goo will begin to get warmer, doing an additional d6 damage per round. If it reaches 10D6 damage per round before its Hp are reduced to 0 or less, it will begin to super-heat and begin to emit a painful orange glow that does Rad 10 to anyone within 100' not shielded by lead or magic. All non-magical metal items have a 10% chance of melting. All non-metal items now have permanent Rad-Level of 1.
The goo will then dissolve through the floor, dissolving anything in its path. The next level down (or buried 100' in the soil), will be an intact Glowstone.
-Immune to all Heat, Fire and electrical attacks.
-Water and cold attacks do double damage.

Barrier Peaks RPG Blog and What's the Deal with Pintrest?

Though I am still not sure what Pintrest is for, I nevertheless found a few useful galleries, such as this D&D monster page, though I think for my game is gonna with this more 50's style Mindflayer 

Images of Adventure

Entrance to the ruins....
artwork by, Maciej Wojtalan
All signed up for a running a 5th Ed campaign starting in October, but I'm warming up by running a one-off Labyrinth Lord conversion of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Since I've only got 4 hours to run the module, I'm currently re-doing the maps so that the party won't have to search 100+ empty rooms on every damned level. I'm all for empty rooms in dungeons, but the plethora that come with the module would make it frustrating as hell for modern players, and completely unplayable as a one off.

Rather than show the players some of the stuffier, old-tymey pic that come with the module was to find newer ones when I can.

Lazer-Wand, which should still confuse the the players, especially if I leave one in the med-bay.
Prop replica from Blake's 7
Say hello to the new Security-droid!
Maximilian from The Black Hole

Random Talislanta Stuff

From a new Talislanta site! Talislanta Incognita.

 I do intend to revisit Talislanta at some point, but I want to give it the attention it deserrve and a the moment I'm prepping for a single shot classic D&D game, plus a campaign with D&D5 that I'm woefully unprepared form. 

Non-Religious Clerics: Part 2

In which I imagine a cleric-class without a religion, Part 2. 

Sometimes the crime is betraying your vows
and condemning two loving innocents to
a terrible curse that can only broken during
an eclipse, but I'm just generalizing.  
In an attempt to achieve enlightenment, to deal with mental illness, or as some for of punishment (self-imposed or otherwise), these people have cut themselves off from the world, living as recluses, ascetics, survivalists and beggars on the very fringes of civilization.

Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Sometimes, through a spiritual awakening, or a severe mental break, or through some otherworldly intelligence transmitting on a frequency so low that only the truly alone can perceive it, they gain access to strange powers.

Edged Weapons: Not as a rule. Most will use practical weapons such as a staff or cane if they use weapons at all. That is not to say that the unwashed beggar who lives by the old waterfall wasn't once a great knight, who just might have his old blade stored in a well-oiled bag buried under the floor of his hovel...

How They Turn: Hermits live on the fringes, which co-incidentally is where many monsters live. Any hermit who expects to survive the first full moon learns quickly how to deal with the shadow-things.

Seems a little obvious in retrospect, but there have always been those who have dedicated themselves to the healing arts, why not just use clerics as doctors. While it might appear to regulate them to the roll of medic,

Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Doctors may be dedicated to the healing of the body, but that doesn't mean they disdain or distrust magic. Their magic is more likely to depend on some form of 'lifeforce', which can be given willingly, or taken forcefully.

Edged Weapons: Oh yes, indeed. The sharper the better. Knives, saws and needles would be common, with the occasional rapier or sword-cane, but larger, more obvious weapons such as long swords would be seen as vulgar.

I've been this guy. Not gonna tell you which one. 

How They Turn: Attune to the energy force that is within all living things, they can feel its lack in the undead, by projecting it through a talisman or foci, they can use it to push back or even destroy the undead.

For twenty-five years this is how I pictured Eldrond. 
Men and women who have become aware of the natural powers of the ecosphere. Defenders of all that is natural and wild. Be aware that natural rarely means 'safe', or 'fair' or 'gentle' or 'kind'. Often it means sickness and death, hunter and prey, but no matter how they define it, all naturalists worship one thing, life itself.

Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Naturalists are able to draw upon the very life-force of the planet.

Edged Weapons: Sickles and scythes certainly. Also staffs, shillelaghs, cudgels and clubs.
Yay for nature!

How They Turn: The life-force of the planet finds the void in itself created by undead as abhorrent and will always attempt to repel or destroy such creatures.

Those who have sublimed their indenty into that of a group dedicated to a cause greater than themselves. Converts and zealots to the core, they would sacrifice everything to their cause and in return they are surrounded by the love of their fellows.

Possible Source(s) of Their Magic:  In return for their devotion, Cultists are are allowed access to esoteric and forbidden knowledge. Sometimes these powers are frauds and forgeries formed from half-baked ideas. Others are ancient brotherhoods who have stood unbroken for a thousand years. It is alost impossible to tell the difference. Regardless, in the hands of true zealot, that weaponized belief becomes a powerful force indeed.

Edged Weapons: This one is completely dependent on the nature of the cult.

How They Turn: Sheer faith, often focused through a 'holy' talisman, can be powerful enough to drive away the unholy things (even the old ones are repelled by the undead for they too are alive, in a way).

Beware the Witchsmeller!
Those who have taken up the cause of exposing and then eradicating a great evil from the world, while protecting innocents from its effects. There is very little they would not do in service to their most important cause. Just because the methods are distasteful, it does not mean that the cause is not righteous, or critical to the very fate of the world.

Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Like cultists, the sheer power of their devotion gives them the ability to cast spells at will.

You were all expecting it.
Edges Weapons: In small doses, delicately used. Inquisitors prefer to fight with words and faith, and kill with fire and pain.

How They Turn: The strength of their devotion, focused through a talisman of faith is powerful enough to repel the undead.

The Random Life: New Star Wars D6!

Dungeons and Dragons will always have been my first, but when I think old-school gaming, I think about the West-End Games Star Wars. This was our campaign world, where we played an obnoxious band of rebels/mercenaries who battled the Empire, slavers and criminals from Yavin to Endor and beyond. While I'm not sure I could comfortably return to that world without my fellow Banthas by my side, I'm thrilled to see that the old system is making a comeback. 

If I was to go back, I'd start with the Star Wars REUP project. A fan doc that reviewed and re-complied the rules.

Also worth checking out, this collection of Deviant Art works for use in Star Wars and other sc-fi games.

Talkin' T.W.E.R.P.S

The World's Easiest Role-Playing System

In the interest of full disclosure, I never played it much back in the day. But the adds in the old magazines and my personal preference for rules-lite systems, interested me enough to buy as many of the books I could find. After a recent move I discovered, much to my delight, that my Twerps collection had survived were many other games have been sold off or lost to life.

The idea for this page is two fold. First off, I’m going to drag TWERPS kicking and screaming into the modern age with a project that I am calling TWERPS-X, a retro-clone which will attempting to fix some inerrant problems with the system, as well as adding some more modern rpg element.

Secondly, I’ll be discussing Classic TWERPS and the the fifteen (15!) classic modules. I am also going to archive as much TWERP material as I can find, while its still out there.

Not much of a hobby I'll admit, but it keeps me off the streets. Without further ado, lets Talk TWERP!

With thanks from Wikipedia
The World's Easiest Role-Playing System was created by Reindeer Games (whose sole product was the TWERPS line) and distributed by Gamescience. Presented as a parody of the complicated RPG systems which were prevalent at the time while still being a playable game in its own right, its simple structure and humorous nature gave it unexpected popularity. TWERPS was originally created, written and illustrated (in a distinctive cartoony style) by "Jeff & 'Manda Dee".

15 Books were written in all including:
-TWERPS Basic Rules
-The Tome of Mighty Magic (More spells)
-How to Do Everything Better (a rules supplement)
-Campaign Book 1: Kung Fu Dragons
-Campaign Book 2: Fly By Knights
-Campaign Book 3: Space Cadets (Space Opera)
-Campaign Book 4: Robo-Punks (cyberpunk)
-Campaign Book 5: Super-Dudes (superheroes)
-Campaign Book 6: Rocket Rangers (Space Opera)
-Campaign Book 7: Twerps Twek (Star Trek spoof)
-Campaign Book 8: A Second Edition of the Magic supplement.
-Campaign Book 9: Metaphysical Ninja Maniac Chainsaw Vitamin Junkies (post apok, Mad Max)
-Campaign Book 10: M.E.C.H.I. Tech (Giant Robots)
-Campaign Book 11: Twisted Tales of Terror (pulp gaming and horror)
-Campaign Book 12: The T.W.E.R.P.S Files (X-Files parody)

Legal Stuff
-All original materials belong to their original authors and artists. TWERPS was written and illustrated by Jeff and ‘Manda Dee, and was published by Reindeer Games.

Non-Religious Clerics: Part 1

For a number of reasons, I've decided to leave the concept of religion out of all my future games.

There will still be the eternal conflict between Order vs Chaos and demons and devils and archons but these things will be treated as powerful, magical creatures or abominations, not personifications of cultural dogma. Others will be much more Lovecraftian, dark, unknowable creatures from deep time and non-euclidean space. Cursed and unholy items and creatures are now simply 'evil', corrupted by hate, jealously, envy or greed, or just bad luck, until nothing redeeming remains. 'good' items' will convey good luck or be imbued with joy, love and peace. Neutral items will have the powers of nature, destiny, justice, pure chance.

Which brings us then to clerics. If they can't be priests, what are they? Without altering the class (using Labyrinth Lord, my go-to for OSR D&D, at least until THIS comes out), here are some possible replacements ideas.

I had to divide my original post in two as it was getting rather long:

Dedicated to the collection and preservation of knowledge (ah, but to what purpose?).
A Maester from Game of Thrones
Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Technological, Mental Augmentation (Telepathy), contact with alien intelligence, extra-planar being or rogue A.I.
Another adventuring scholar. 

Edged Weapons: Scholars avoid weapons when they can and when they do, they rarely favour anything as big and clunky as a sword. They do prefer to carry weapons that double as a tool such as a hammer, or a staff cut to a precise length, or a whip. If they may also use more technological gizmos, such as blunderbuss, or a lazer-rifle (if they can figure out how it works).

How to Turn: Through research and study, scholars know that vampires are repelled by sunlight and certain woods, and that zombies hate fire, or that skeletons can be repelled with a simple counterspell.

Protectors of a sacred (at least to them) item, location or person. They could be protecting others in case it ever got out ....
A Brother of the Cruciform Sword
Possible Source(s) of Their Magic:  Powers are derived from their Faith in that sacred object/location/person. They may even be drawing power directly from the source.

 A Medjai mercenary, the elite bodyguard of an accursed Pharoh  
Edged Weapons: I would still keep prevent Guardians from using edged weapons unless setting appropriate. Perhaps not using a sword or an axe is part of their vows, or make them a symbol of an ancient enemy they will not use.

How They Turn
Drawing power from their source and their own will, Guardians are able to drive away the unnatural forces that threaten them and their duty to the thing under their protection.

Monk of Order, or Chaos
Men and women who have dedicated their lives to the forces of Chaos and Discord or to the force of Laws and Order. Often of a monastic order (membership numbers may vary).
Source: Unknown

Not that I ever need a reason to demonstrate
the awesomeness that is Marcus Cole. 
Possible Source(s) of Their Magic:  An inner power such as Spirit, Chi or Ki that taps into a unifying and underlying power that connects all things and can be used as a force for great good, or unimaginable evil.

Edged Weapons: No. Like classic clerics this rule sets Monks apart from a more traditional fighter. Monks of the same order/cult tend to use the same weapon, it is not requires. Besides, glowing beams of
light do not have edges.

How They Turn: By tapping into the underlying force to repel the inherent chaotic ectoplasm that drives all unliving creatures. Often this power is focused through a talisman or symbolic weapon of some kind.

Monster Hunters
Though some terrible destiny, these men and woman have become dedicated to the cause of eradicating (or controlling) all horrors and undead. Though they know their cause is futile, they have become dedicated fanatics, because they know that no matter what befalls them, it cannot be worse than the tradgic reason they became so obsessed in the first place.
The only Van Helsing who matters.
Possible Source(s) of Their Magic: Like the scholars, much of their magic might come from technology, in one form or another. Monster Hunters are not above studying magic, in any form, and some may have made contact with a extraplaner or intraplantary being. 

Edged Weapons: Ordinary swords are little effective against ghosts and monsters, and silver swords are shit against anything but a lycanthrope. But a good hammer blow will stun even the most belligerent blood sucker (corporeal ones, that is) long enough to drive the stake home. For reasons of practicality and genre, axes and hatchets are allowed. Monster hunters will normally carry a small arsenal of very specific weapons that might only work on very specific foes.

How They Turn: Repelling and destroying monsters is what these character's DO. They have studied the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of every monster they have come across or heard of, and carry a small arsenal of the right tools and ingredients to deal with almost everything. 

The Random Life: TMNT & Other Strangeness

Lucky find today at my local comic book shop. A 4th edition with shelf-wear and some crispy binding glue, but otherwise solid with no cracks in the spine.

We kind of played this one back in the day, at least I dimly remember some hairbrained idea to merge this with the martial-arts rules in Ninjas and Superspies.

I think I ended up with a spear-welding hedhog with Drunken Kung-Fu, which in retrospect was a pretty good summary of my life at the time.  

Oddyssey Encounters: The O.V.L.E.E.2

This is for my upcoming Labyrinth Lord, but I wanted to see what I could do with it in TWERPS and RollCore (my own work-in-progress system). 

Like her sister, the O.V.L.E.E.2 was taken from a cutting of an alien plant found growing in the ruins of a lost colonial outpost. Brought back to the ship, the OVLEE 1 was taken down into the garden for a controlled planting, while the OVLEE 2 was taken to the lab for study.

Both plants showed signs of intelligence, but it was not until it discovered that their diet required quantities of fresh meat that their true potential was unfortunately discovered. After the quarantine breach incident that resulted in the radical sterilization of the entire botanical wing, the OVLEE 2 was frozen until further preventative protocols could be put into place. It was believed that all traces of the OVLEE 1 were incinerated along with all samples, equipment and staff on the effected levels.

O.V.L.E.E.2 - Labyrinth Lord
Omnivorous, Vegetative Lifeform: [Emergency! Emergency!]
No. Enc: 1 (unique), d20 (wild)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement: Rooted to spot. Tendrils 90' (30')
Armour Class: 4
Hit Dice: 5, 1 per tendril
Attacks: 2d4 tendrils. 1 bite.
Damage: d4 (Tendrils), d6 (bite)
Save: F4
Morale:    9
Horde Class: V
XP: 300
A small, alien plant with a purple and green, egg-shaped bulb sitting on 2-8 thick, dark purple tendrils. The plant possess an evil intelligence and can even learn to speak after exposure of 2d4 days of exposure to a language and. Though rooted to the spot, both the bulb and the tendrils can move independently, giving the small plant ample opportunity to grab its prey. On a successful attack, the tendril can constrict for an additional 2 points of damage per round until the tendril is severed. In addition, until the tendril is removed, the trapped opponent cannot move. On a successful bite attack, have the bitten opponent make a Save vs Paralysis. If they fail, all lost Hit Points are transferred to the OVLEE, and the plant unfurls a new tendril.

O.V.L.E.E.2 - T.W.E.R.P.S.
Strength 5
2 points damage (tendril strike, bite). Bite, if successful roll vs Strength. If OVLEE wins she drains one 1 Strength from her victim and adds it to her own.
Hide = leather armour
Tendrils - range 2. d6 of them.

O.V.L.E.E.2 - RollCore
Body: 4 Mind: 4 Power: 2
DiceClass: 4 M/S/G: 4/3/2

-Multiple Attacks: Tendrils
The OVLEE 2 can attack as many times a Round as it has Tendrils. Roll 2D4 to determine how many tendrils the OVLEE 2 has. Each Tendril has an M/S/G/ of 1/1/1. All other stats are the same as main plant. 
After completing a successful Tendril strike, instead of doing damage, the OVLEE can attempt to 'entangle' its opponent. Make an Opposed Body roll. If the opponent wins, they have slipped free and suffer no damage. If the OVLEE wins, the opponent suffers -4 to all rolls until they can sever the entangling Tendril. 
Entangling Tendrils cannot be used to attack or defend opponents. 
-Draw Blood
On a successful Bite attack, roll vs Spirit. If the opponent wins, roll Damage as normal. If OVLEE wins, it begins sucking blood and the opponent looses one Body point (but no damage is rolled), while OVLEE gains an additional Body point and unfurls an additional Tendril.  If the OVLEE gains 10 or more tendrils, its DiceClass goes up to 6. 
-Defense, Tendril Block
If the main body is about to take damage, the OVLEE can sacrifice a tendril and absorb all of the incoming damage. 

Damage: Tendril Strike +2, Bite +3                           Armour: Natural -3

Combat Matrix
1-4 Tendril Strike
5-6 Bite

The Oddyssey Begins

My long journey across a game-less sea seems to be coming to an end. Many years ago I traveled halfway across the country to get married, leaving behind my old gaming group and most of my old collection (don't worry, just RIFTS stuff). Life took me a long way from those gaming-nights spent in suburban basements, dorm rooms and first apartments. It took a long time to come back, but something inside called to me, an old familiar noise in the back of my brain that sounded like the rattle of of a dice-game below decks in the mouth of a raging gale.

This blog will be mostly about my return to roleplaying, so it will keep primarily to the game and gamesystems that I'll be participating in, but I also expect that I'll be delving into my favourite niche-games like T.W.E.R.P.S., Toon!, Talislanta, Arduin, Gamebooks and more.

So far I've scouted around the web to catch up on the current state of the industry and binge-listened to more podcasts than could possibly be healthy. I also joined the local library-group. What I like about them is that they've allowed I've played some great games there that normally would never have crossed my radar like the new Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Cosmic Patrol and others. I just wish my schedule allowed me to go more often.

And the winds seem favourable, for the moment at least. I ran a WEG Ghostbusters game at a very-mini-local-con last summer, to moderate success (well, I had fun). The old gang has started talking about a monthly skype game. Next month I'm running a Labyrinth Lord version of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and this October I've agreed to start running Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign.

I have no idea how to run 5th Edition.

Let the Oddyssey begin...