In the interest of full disclosure, I never played it much back in the day. But the adds in the old magazines and my personal preference for rules-lite systems, interested me enough to buy as many of the books I could find. After a recent move I discovered, much to my delight, that my Twerps collection had survived were many other games have been sold off or lost to life.

Secondly, I’ll be discussing Classic TWERPS and the the fifteen (15!) classic modules. I am also going to archive as much TWERP material as I can find, while its still out there.
Not much of a hobby I'll admit, but it keeps me off the streets. Without further ado, lets Talk TWERP!
With thanks from Wikipedia
The World's Easiest Role-Playing System was created by Reindeer Games (whose sole product was the TWERPS line) and distributed by Gamescience. Presented as a parody of the complicated RPG systems which were prevalent at the time while still being a playable game in its own right, its simple structure and humorous nature gave it unexpected popularity. TWERPS was originally created, written and illustrated (in a distinctive cartoony style) by "Jeff & 'Manda Dee".
15 Books were written in all including:
-TWERPS Basic Rules
-The Tome of Mighty Magic (More spells)
-How to Do Everything Better (a rules supplement)
-Campaign Book 1: Kung Fu Dragons
-Campaign Book 2: Fly By Knights
-Campaign Book 3: Space Cadets (Space Opera)
-Campaign Book 4: Robo-Punks (cyberpunk)
-Campaign Book 5: Super-Dudes (superheroes)
-Campaign Book 6: Rocket Rangers (Space Opera)
-Campaign Book 7: Twerps Twek (Star Trek spoof)
-Campaign Book 8: A Second Edition of the Magic supplement.
-Campaign Book 9: Metaphysical Ninja Maniac Chainsaw Vitamin Junkies (post apok, Mad Max)
-Campaign Book 10: M.E.C.H.I. Tech (Giant Robots)
-Campaign Book 11: Twisted Tales of Terror (pulp gaming and horror)
-Campaign Book 12: The T.W.E.R.P.S Files (X-Files parody)
-All original materials belong to their original authors and artists. TWERPS was written and illustrated by Jeff and ‘Manda Dee, and was published by Reindeer Games.
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