Our Party
Azok - Silver Dragonborn Barbarian
Harrod -Half Elf Paladin
Grog -Half-Orc (Ogren) Fighter
Scruffy - Blue Dragonborn Paladin
Stephen - Halfing Bard
Peter -Human Thief
The sun was coming up as the party finally stumbled out of the Warlock’s house, having found no trace of the person Gorg had spotted running into the house before the fire.
A smooth session where the party found some loot and, after a few false starts that resulted in Scruffy looking like Walter 'Dickless' Peck in the climax of Ghostbusters, they bypassed a glue trap and where able to find the shattered remains of a Mirrormap and the Psychocannon that Master Laru and Grixby had used to escape to the Observatory located on the red moon of Dejas.
I’m starting to slowly parcel out some low level magical items and in the library, Harrod came across a pile of hats that had been hastily ransacked (Laru wears large hats to cover his swollen skull). I asked Harrod to describe a large hat, and he gave me a rather awesome description of a black silk top-hat with a large blue feather inscribed with red sigils tucked into the silver hatband. When worn, it grants an Advantage roll once per session.
It was a completely combat-less night, as the only fight I’d planned was with an Orange Goo inside a secret room that was clearly marked on the map. But the party never bothered to make a check for secret doors, which is a good lesson for all DMs out there about what sort of things the players will and won’t do.
But it was a good session for moving the plot along, even if the party doesn’t realize it yet. They found the word ‘Swordfish’ escribed in one of Grixby’s notebooks, Laru’s diaries going back 400 years, and the Psychocannon itself, which was being driven by the brain of the murdered blacksmith. They also found a shard of the broken mirror with some coordinates inscribed upon it. I had to gently force the players to take that as it will be important if they want to figure out how the cannon works.
They ended up back at the Tooth and Claw when Grog noticed that the two doors that lead out to the privy where marked with two symbols. One door was marked with a manta-ray, the other with a swordfish … dun dun DUH!
Next week, Gladiators and Pirates! (probably)
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