The Book of Loot: The Conch of Unlimited Fish

The conch can be used once per day and must be submerged in water before used. The character then blows on the shell and out pops ... 

Roll d6: 
(the fish is already dead unless noted otherwise) 

1- Minnow  (no real nutritional value)

2- Goldfish (no real nutritional value)

3-Trout  (will provide one meal to one or two people)

4-Electric eel. (Residual charge will do d6 electrical damage if grabbed right away. Charge wears off approximately 1 minute after eel appears. Provides one meal to one person). 

5-Tuna  (Will completely feed a party of 6 for one day. 50% chance it will appear canned).

6-Shark (50% chance that the fish is living or dead. Dead shark will provide one meal for the entire party). 
Live Shark! 
(Dies automatically in d4 rounds. Attacks twice per round as it thrashes madly) 
Hp: 10 
AC: 13 
Bite: Hit +3, Damage 3d8+3, Piercing and Slashing Damage 
Thrash: Tohit +4, Damage 2d8+3, Bludgeoning Damage 

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