But What if I Want to be a Pirate?

End of the second term is just over a month away (the kids pay Autism NS a quarterly nominal fee to participate) and I'm starting to think of the next stage of the game.

Last term I gave them the options of a) exploring the city (city crawl), b) exploring the dungeons below the city (dungeon crawl) c) exploring the countryside (sandbox) and d) pirate ship (sandbox)

I wanted pirate ship, so of course they choose city crawl. Its been a lot more fun that I had expected, but its an exhausting amount of work building a city.

Next term I want to get them off the streets and try something new. The options I hope to introduce over the next few weeks include a) underground exploration (essentially Underdark though I call it The Nether Realm, b) a John Carter/Barsoom exploration of one of planet's 13 moons. c) a version of the original Curse of Strahd. This doesn't immediately hook into any of the current plots, but I've always wanted to run the module. I'm going to bait a hook and see if they bite. and d) Pirate ship!

Yeah, I still want to run a pirate game. If they'll let me, I will be using these links as references.

Concept art from Sea of Thieves

more Sailing Ship concept art

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