The Cheap DM: Fungal Forest Part 1

There are only three more sessions before the end of this term and I want to shake things up a bit before raising everyone up to 3rd level on the last session. Inspired by our new volunteer, I'm going to offer up a SideQuest: A chance to explore a small Fugal Forest beneath a dead baobob tree in the middle of a swampy lake. 

I was going to do the usual,' find some maps on-line' to use as terrain, but I wasn't finding anything that matched the pictures in my head. Then last Sunday afternoon I was out walking the dog when I found two plastic easter eggs lying under a tree in a public park. They had either been overlooked, or more likely, been ransacked of their goodies and then discarded. I liked their bright colours and their shape, and inspiration hit. 

I made a run to the dollar store to see if there were any holiday deals left. I found some spotted plastic eggs, so I grabbed a bag for test purposes (note: I'm gonna need two more bags). I also broke out the grid board I made a few months ago out of some laminate scavenged from work. I haven't had a chance to use the board yet, so I'm excited about that as well. 

Just laying things out to see what it might look like. 

Quick sketch of a map. It needs to look curvy and organic. 

Sketched out where the terrain is going go using thin masking-tape. The green square at the top will be eventually be a slime-pool. The tablet will have a image of a mushroom forest, possibly representing an entrance into another, deeper area if they want to keep exploring.

I wasn't sure what to do with these swirl-pattern eggs at first, but I think that standing them upright makes them look like markers or carvings made by the Myconids. 

I did mention the slime pool. Another dollar store purchase. 

The next step is gonna require a shit ton of playdoh. 

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