The Cheap DM: Fungal Forest 7 - Cast of Characters

Just some of the characters and critters who will be inhabiting my Playdoh fungal paradise. 

The Murmuring Merchant. If you ever want to have a lot of fun as a DM, make a non-verbal NPC your players will want to interact with. This guy has good stuff to sell, but only communicates in grunts and blowing raspberries. 
A Mantango, one of the 'good' tribe of Myconids living in the fungal caves.  
The Dryad of the Baobob Tree is slowing being consumed and transformed by the myconids. If she completes her natural transformation she will become a Mycollosus, a living god-being. If she dies while the bones of the black dragon continue to poison her roots, she will become a Slime Giant and wreck havoc.
Lobstrose. The first NPC they meet appears to be a gentle giant, who tells them to be careful around Kandida, and that the dryad is dying and insane. In reality, he was an adventurer in the party that killed the dragon, but was left behind for dead. Trapped and mutated by the alien environment, he's become an embittered bully who rules over the Deathcaps. He blames the dryad for his condition, and wants her to feel continue the pain of dragon bones poisoning her roots. He's absolutely right about Kandida though.

Kandida the gnome alchemist. Let's just say that her potions have many, many, many side effects. Her three eyes don't always blink at the same time and the top one is rarely looking in the same direction as the other two. I played her as an unhinged version of Vanellope Von Schweetz and despite doing nothing but offering to help the party, they were utterly terrified of her. I'm quite proud of that. I stumbled across this picture and loved it too much not to use it. 
A Deathcap, the 'bad' myconid tribe. 
Found this picture of a baby mimic. Now I get my chance to find out if the playes are too young to know what the movie 'Alien' is about.  
A pussbug. Stinging little bastards and, when dead, useful as currency to certain non-verbal, and very hungry, merchants.

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