Banana Knife

The secret to carving these deadly weapons, and sealing them back into their peels is known only to the simian Bongor tribes of the south islands, but they are sometimes used the pirates of Port Eel and the caravan merchant-warriors of the Grim Road.

The greatest advantage to this weapon is its conceal-ability. Its greatest flaw lies in its fragility and tenancy to go bad before it can be used.

Green peel knives will last d6 days before spoiling beyond use. Yellow peel knives will last d4 days and spotted peels will last only d2 days. Once unpeeled, the knife is good for only 2d10hours, or one fight, before turning into a pungent goo that will attract wandering monsters at 2x times normal.

Certain hags know of many recipes for old banana knives such as throwing pies, shrapnel muffins and vile, vegan ice-creams. These witches often have ice-chests full of brown, shriveled old knives that they fully intend to use one day soon and are not just taking up space.

Cost: 100gp for a green peel, 75gp for a solid yellow peel, prices falling rapidly the more spots that appear.
Damage: d6 (green, yellow and lightly spotted. d4 for browning peels). Slashing and acid (fructose)
Weight: --
Properties: Light, thrown, Conceal-ability.

Rare footage of an actual, skilled banana-knifer in action....

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