Bladed Bow

Last night marked the end of regular play for the year. Next session we level up to 3rd and then we break for the summer. We'll be restarting next September.

The adventure ended (for now) in a slime pit with a pitched battle with a rapidly mutating otyugh. When it was vanquished, they dove into the slime to retrieve the lost dragon's horde.

They came up with some items I'd customed for each of the characters which they were suppose to use on the real Big Boss, but they'd spent too much time horsing around with Kandida's Miscellaneous Potion. We ended up with a fur covered thief, but didn't get around to the final fight.

Harrod, Gygax bless him, was never cut out to be the archer. A Half-Elf Paladin, he had poor stats and no predilection or skills to be an archer, but that's how the player ran him. He also happened to be a pretty good strategist and emerged as a real leader to the group, and I wanted to reward that. I'm adapting the Divine Archer archetype into a Paladin Oath of the Straight Arrow, but I wanted to give the player something he could use effectively if he wanted to come out of the back rows every now and again. Its not much, really but it packs better damage that he'd been doing with a regular bow.

Damage: Melee d10 slashing damage. Range d10 piercing.

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