Tazar's Wand of Voltaic Force

This foot long wand of gnomeish make is not a magical item and will not be affected by anti-magic fields. A crystalline battery inside holds a temporary charge and when the wand is manipulated, it will release a warn light equal to that of a torch, a sparkling light show, or it can be used as a weapon, capable of electrocuting people by touch, and even short distances away.

Once the crystal's charge is spent, it must be hooked, via copper cords, to a 1' long box lined with rabbit fur. A copper rod runs down the middle and is attached to a crank. This crank must be wound for at least two hours to fully charge the wand (which is enough to turn a Long Rest into a Short rest).

Damage: Touch, 2d6 electrical damage. Range 1'. Bolt d10 electrical damage. Range 20', Line.
Resistance: Those affected can make a Con saving throw roll vs DC=To Hit roll. If they fail the roll, they will not suffer any extra damage, but they will fall prone for d4 rounds.

Charges: 10 (full charge)
Torch Light - 1 charge per hour
Sparkle/Light Effects - 1 charge to activate, 2 charges per hour to run
Touch Shock - 2 Charges (per round)
Bolt Shock - 3 Charges

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