The Black Tuba

Stephen the Bard loves getting into trouble, so I decided to give him something to get into trouble with ....

The Black Tuba
There are many legends as to how this terrible instrument came to be. Some said it was created by a jealous Halfling fortune teller to get revenge on the bard who' spurned her. Some say it was once welded by a great Hob bard who became sick and corrupted by evil. Others say it was bestowed upon a Halfling family by some unnamed dark power after they had performed some terrible service on its behalf.  

The tuba is not black per say, but is it badly tarnished and will never remain polished for long. When a special valve is played, the instrument releases a deep and somber note that will damage all those who hear it. This 'Death Note' can be played at any time, but costs a spell-slot.

Death Note
This note can be played by any spell-casting Bard character and requires a spell-slot to use. The death note does d6 damage per level of spell-slot used (ie, Death Note cast using a third level spell-slot would do 3d6 damage). Damage is necrotic. Range 20' cone. Characters caught in the blast are also rendered deaf for d4 rounds unless a CON Saving Throw is made (vs the Bard's DC).

If the damage from a Death Note kills an opponent (reduces their hp to 0 or below), the tuba will suck in the departing spirit of the dead. The CR (or level, in the case of an npc) of the absorbed opponent can now be added to either: to the Bard's Magic DC, OR the Bard's AC for one round.

The Tuba can not absorb creatures and monsters that do not possess spirits (skeletons, zombies, vampires, golemns etc. DM's discretion). It will still wound those vulnerable to necrotic damage.

The tuba can absorb up to a total of 10 Levels/Combat Ratings. The bard can, a Bonus Action, choose to put all, or some of that number into their Magic DC or AC (not both) each round. The bonus lasts for one round only and once the points are spent, they are gone until the Bard can absorb new spirits into the tuba.

As this instrument destroys living spirits, using it constitutes an alignment violation for all Good characters.

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