Green Horncap

Green Horncap, Giant Killer mushroom 
Hostile, predatory fungoid.
No. Enc.: 2d6
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5 / 20
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d8 plus poison
Save: F3
Morale: None
Hoard Class: None

These creatures can grow up to six feet high. They are highly aggressive and will look to inject their spores (poisonous to most creatures) into anyone, or anything that ranges in reach of its thorny limbs. On a successful strike, the victim must make a save vs poison or start to take d6 damage per round until cure is found.

Cold and heat attacks do 2x damage. Electrical has no effect. Blunt weapons do 1 point of damage only. Susceptible to spells that affect plants.

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