Tyrannosaurus Borg

Tyrannosaurus Borg
This is where I found the image. Artist, Unknown. 
No Enc: (1)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice / Hp:  20 / 85
Attacks: 2
Save:  F10
Morale:  11
Hoard Class: VII x3
XP:  3000
Combat Matrix (roll d6 to determine which attack is used)
1-2 Bite 6D6
3 Buzzclaw 3D8
4 Lazer Cannon 4D6
5-6 Tail Swip          2D6
        --knocked down. Cannot do action until next turn.

This monster was accidentally created by Izkakh Squill when he was just learning how the ship’s gene-vats and cybertech labs worked. Unprepared for what he had created, the T-Borg quickly broke loose and Squill was barely able to lure it into the zoological garden level before it destroyed the entire medical bay. Squill has set the gene-vats to produce lots of giant camlepods and elephuts to keep the cybernetic dinosaur happy and fed, while using it as a guard against anyone who might try to infiltrate into Squill’s new laboratory where he is now experimenting directly on the power core itself…

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