Stats for Labyrinth Lord. Stats and write up adapted from 'Expedition to the Barrier Peaks', originally written by Gary Gygax.
No. Enc. 1d4
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 162' (216' emergency)- 54' (72' emergency)
Armour Class: -1
Hit Dice/Hp: 10 / 60
Attacks: 4
Damage: See Attacks
Defense: Has a force shield 20hp. Regenerates at 1hp per round, must be completely destroyed before body can be attacked.
Save: F10
Morale: N/A
Hoard Class: Search/Salvage
-Search:If robot is intact after combat, roll d6 for what can be found by searching the bot
4 Red
Security Card
5 Lazer
6 Glowstone
(power core)
-Salvage: see below
Police robots have built-in Red color card capacity, language translators, and atmosphere analysis devices. They have anti-grav units built in, and the capacity of this unit type is the robot plus 1,000 pounds. Emergency speed is usable for 1 turn every hour.Police robots can never be surprised. They have 200% human norm for both audial and visual sensors. They have infravisual capacity to 12”. Their force screen must be brought to 0 points before any damage accrues to the body of the robot. They can withstand vacuum or water pressure equal to 500 feet depth when their force screen is up. Cold does not harm police robots, nor does gas, paralysis, poison, etc. Fire/heat attacks cause only one-half normal damage and acid affects them only if the force shield is down. Lightning and electrical attacks have full effect, and there is a 1% chance per hit point of damage sustained that the robot will malfunction and cease operation due to fused circuitry.
At 10 or fewer hit points remaining, there is a 50% chance per round that a police robot will cease functioning. If the Robot shuts down, it may be searched or salvaged. If the robot is destroyed (brought to 0hp), it will self destruct (does 2d10 damage to anyone standing immediately next to the robot) and cannot be searched or salvaged.
These robots are programmed to use subdual and non-lethal attack forms initially. There is a 25% chance that any police robot encountered will have lost this programming, however, so that violent and deadly attack methods will be used. For such robots, roll d6, treating a 6 as use of either pressor or tractor beam, to find which attack method will be used. Robots of this type are 10% likely to have armed themselves with some form of human weapon (blaster pistol or rifle, laser rifle, needler), and in this case use d8, with 8 being attack with the weapon held in their manipulative digits.
Police robots have the following attack means (roll d6 to determine Attack Type each round):
1 Tentacle Arm Grab: 2 subdual tentacles of 6’ length and 18 strength. Roll d20 and add Str bonus. High roll wins. If both tentacles grab (two successful attacks), can use stun pistol in chest w/out action penalty each round. Or Crush which does d10 damage per round (if malfunctioning).
2 Buzz Saw Hands : Hands start swirling like buzzsaws, which strike for 5-20 (5d4) hit points of damage. 6’ length
3 Eye Lazer
Range: S=10. M=20. L=30
Area of Effect:1' beam
Rate of Fire: 2 per round
Damage: 5D6
Save: vs Petrify. Unarmoured, 1/2. Armoured, no damage, but roll d6 for armour. Non-Magical 1-2 looses one AC. Magical 1 - looses one AC.
4 Grenade Launcher
D6 grenades (if empty, will waste attack). All have a 10' radius
1-2 Sleep Grenades: Save vs poison or fall asleep for d6 turns. If all fall asleep, bot will continue its patrol. No treat detected.
3-4 Goo Grenade: Save vs petrify or be incapacitated. Can only be removed by fire or acid.
5-6 Flash/Bang: d10 damage. Stunned for d4 rounds. Save vs Breath for half damage and effect.
5 Chest Paralyser
Range: S=5. M=10. L=15
Area of Effect: 5' cone.
Rate of Fire: 1 per round
Damage: Total paralysis or stun
Save: vs paralyses. Save for stunned (movement y half. -4 to all attack rolls. spells every other round only).
6 Tractor Beam
Push: Save vs Wand or be knocked back 20' and knocked down. If hit a wall does d6 damage. If hit another PC, does d4 damage to both. Both knocked down. Save and be pushed back 10', not knocked over.
Pull: Save vs Wand or be pulled into Chest Parayser/Buzz Saw arms (50/50%). Save vs pull free.
Salvage: If the PCs want to salvage any specific part of the robot.
Automatic 1 in 6 chance of re-activating the robot.
-Armour. Simple Technology Chart
-Armour. Simple Technology Chart
(power core) Medium Technogy Chart
Beam/Force Field. Complex Technology Chart.
-Grenades: d4 remain. Each must be removed seperately. Medium technology chart, but will explode on Power Drain or Item Destroyed Result.
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