Rules for Figuring Out Technology in Labyrinth Lord

The Players are gonna want to use the new technology they find aboard the ship, that's half the fun of this module. The issue is finding good rules that allow the PCs to do that quickly and easily. Gary's charts in EBP are fun, but get exponentially more complex and can get tedious. The rules in Mutant Future take too long game wise.

Here I threw-up some INT based charts that chart what happens if the character wants to figure something out. Simply determine if the item is Simple, Medium, Complex/Weapon roll d20 and apply modifiers. Each step takes 1 round. 
Neutral means that the player has not damaged or interfered with the item in any way, but they must re-roll at +1 (does not stack). 
Blown Charge. If an item's charge is not listed, it has d8 for Simple Items. d6 for Medium and Complex. If it runs out of charges, it is Powered Down.
Power drain means item has powered down. Can't be used until a new power source if found (battery or glowstone).
Explosion: Does 2d10 damage to everyone within 10'. Save vs Breath for Half. 
from Kung-Fury
Modifiers to Technology Table Rolls
Int Modifiers
Stat Modifier
3         -3
4-5     -2
6-8      -1
9-12     0
13-15   +1
16-17   +2
18+      +3
-Item is Damaged: -3
-Previously observed similar object being operated. +1
-Previously received explanation of operation, or had a chance to handle item previously. +1
-Operated a similar device in past: +1

All modifiers stack with each other.

Simple Technology Table
Roll D20 plus Modifiers
1-10 Neutral
1-5 Blown Charge
1-5 Item Destroyed
11-20 Go To Next Step
6-12 Neutral
6-10 Blown Charge

13-20 Go To Next Step
11-15 Neutral

16-20 Solved

Medium Technology Table
Roll D20 plus Modifiers
1-6 Blown Charge
1-5 Power drain
1-4 Item Destroyed
5-11 Neutral
6-10 Blown Charge
5-8 Power Drain
12-20 Go To Next Step
11-15 Neutral
9-12 Blown Charge

16-20 Go To Next Step
13-16 Neutral

17-20 Solved

Complex/Weapons and ArmourTable
Roll D20 plus Modifiers
1-4 Power Drain
1-4 Item Destroyed
1-3 Explosion/Item Destroyed
5-9 Blown Charge
5-8 Power Drain
4-6 Item Destroyed
10-16 Neutral
9-12 Blown Charge
7-9 Power Drain
17-20 Go To Next Step
13-16 Neutral
10-13 d4 Blown Charges

17-20 Go To Next Step
14-16 Neutral

17-20 Solved

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