Get drunk, start a fight, talk to the mysterious stranger, hit on a server and steal a purse or two. If you're lucky there is a card game going or some dicing in the back alley. What else is there to do in bar?
Looking for something new to present to my players I came up with these simple mini-games for use as a bit of local colour, traditional games or challenges in local bars.
Bloody Knife
Players: Usually 2, sometimes more
Objective: A knife throwing contest were the target is your opponent
Main Stat: Dexterity
Two opponents stand across from each other and a knife is placed on a mark exactly halfway between them. When the game begins, they race for the knife, then take turns throwing it at each other. The game can be played anywhere from first blood all the way up to the death.
Two opponents stand 10-20 paces apart. A knife is placed exactly between them. When the game begins, each side must make an Initiative roll to see who grabs the knife first. On a tie, make a second Initiative roll until someone wins.
The player who won the knife goes first and makes a Ranged Attack with the knife. Remember, if the target player is using the Dodge Action, then the Ranged Knife Throw is rolled with a Disadvantage. Once the throw has been made, the target player now has it and can throw it back their opponent at the start of the next round. Usually only one Throw is made per round, but not always.
On a successful strike damage is rolled as normal, Most knives do d4+DEX damage, but the use of different types of throwing weapons, even poisoned or magic ones, is not unheard of.
Players may not wear armour or use shields of any kind. Traditionally, the game is pretty lax in terms of the use of charms, spells and small magic items to give a player an advantage. However, all arrangements to this effect must be done before the game begins as casting of spells (either by the player or an outside magic-user) during play is considered cheating. Using Class Features and Feats is permitted when applicable (ie, Deflect Missiles).
An Attack roll of natural 20 does double damage.
An Attack roll of a natural 1 puts the character in a bad position. The next round the Attacking character has an Advantage on their attack roll (in practical game terms, this cancels out the Disadvantage given by Dodge manoeuvre).
Players may not cross the centre mark during their attack.
Winning Conditions: There are three options for winning. One option must be agreed upon by both before the game begins.
1-First Blood: the first player to score a hit that draws blood from their opponent (the loss of 1 or more Hit Points) wins.
2-Bloody Knife: The first player to loss half or more of their starting Hit Points, looses the game
3-Death: The first player to die, looses.
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