Bar Games: Riddle Sticks

Get drunk, start a fight, talk to the mysterious stranger, hit on a server and steal a purse or two. If you're lucky there is a card game going or some dicing in the back alley. What else is there to do in bar?

Looking for something new to present to my players I came up with these simple mini-games for use as a bit of local colour, traditional games or challenges in local bars. 

Riddle Sticks

Players: 2
Objective: To outwit your opponent in a battle of intellect.
Main Stat: Intelligence

Riddle Sticks is a conversation game between two opponents. It was originally a riddle game, but it can be any sort of conversation of opposed views, be it an intellectual debate, a legal mediation, an insult contest or a quote battle. Each player is given three sticks which are handed over when specific points are scored.

Each round, both opponents make an Intelligence roll (d20+Int Modifier), representing their side of the conversation. The player with the higher results wins that specific point and the loser hands over one of their sticks.

On a tie, neither side scores a point and no sticks are handed over.
If a player rolls a natural 20, the loosing character must hand over 2 sticks.
If a player rolls a natural 1, they must hand over a stick to their opponent, even if they otherwise win the round.

Winning Condition: To get all 6 sticks.

Once the game has concluded, the looser must make an Intelligence Saving Throw with a DC of 13. On a successful Saving Throw, the two opponents leave as friends, or at the least as a respected allies. On a failed Saving Throw, the two opponents will depart as bitter rivals.

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