Get drunk, start a fight, talk to the mysterious stranger, hit on a server and steal a purse or two. If you're lucky there is a card game going or some dicing in the back alley. What else is there to do in bar?
Looking for something new to present to my players I came up with these simple mini-games for use as a bit of local colour, traditional games or challenges that can be found in different bars and locals.
Fire Scorpion
Players: 2 or more
Objective: Who can withstand the most pain from a scorpion's sting
Main Stat: Strength
Scorpions (or other stinging creature) are placed in a jar or small cask, one per each participating character. When the game begins, each character must put their hand in the jar and hold it there for a long as possible while being stung. The Fire Scorpion, a large, red angry creature so named from its bright colour and fearsome venom, which is said to feel being stabbed by a red-hot knife. The venom isn't often lethal, but a sting is so painful that the victim often wishes they were dead.
Each round, all players make a Strength Saving Throw. The first round the DC is 11. For each successive round the DC goes up by 1. If a player fails a roll,the will involuntary pull their hand from the jar, loosing the contest. A player can avoid this by permanently sacrificing 1 Hit Point, permanently damaging their body, but fighting through the agony long enough to roll again the next round.
A roll of a natural 1 means the player has a Disadvantage on the following Saving Throw roll.
A roll of a natural 20 means the player has an Advantage on the following Saving Throw roll.
After the game, normal sensation will return to the hand in d8 hours. Until then the character will be at a Disadvantage to all rolls that require the use of that hand.
Winning Condition: Be the last person to have their hand in the jar.
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